
An Idiot's Analysis of a Smart Person's Visualization

Kyle O'Donnell (the original poster of the diagram on FaceBork) and Patrick Merritt, current Vice Chair of the Alabama LP, have the following visualization of what happened on Sunday May 26, 2024 during the LP convention presidential balloting.

Dramatis Personae

Cholly == Chase Oliver. Because Chase Oliver is just... retarded. He wants "longitudinal studies to take place" to figure out on spec whether or not giving children chemical castration drugs is a good thing.

The Fed == Mike ter Maat. Because he's a fed. Come on, y'all.

Ok so...

There is a metric crap-ton of interesting things about what this viz appears to say. I'll just comment on what my retard lizard brain immediately reacts to:

  1. Rectenwald's block was rock solid, and they make up the vast majority of the #NOTA300. Salud!
  2. Cholly's block was even more solid. The HR department knows what's up. If you want to get a piece of the birthday cake, you best play nice. HR is watching.

  3. The Pr0n King Mapstead's people were HR-adjacent if not HR 1099s. They scattered to Cholly and the Fed after he ate it in the second round. In fact, it was probably the Mapstead people that made up a significant portion of the folks that ended up putting Cholly on top.
  4. The Fed's people were probably the most fascinating of the bunch. A good 30-40% of them of them started off based, either going NOTA after the 3rd ballot, supporting Rectenwald, or just saying to hell with it. However, it seems pretty obvious that the majority of the Rec vote that went to Cholly in the final ballot was made up of previous Fed voters. But maybe they were riding with #NOTA300, too.
  5. The bunch that I have no clue about are the Josh crew. Once he was gone, they went to the four winds. Josh has always been good people, so I have no idea why that block didn't solidify behind NOTA, or whether they even did eventually. Like I said, I'm a retard. /shrug
It's an interesting visualization. Thanks to Kyle for generating it and Patrick for sharing it.